
"Dusk comes too early, dawn too late. " 

- Me.

My first fence turned out to be the nicest fence ever!  And not a bad looking shed either.  

Build a shed?  One weekend.
Build a shed with a mansard roof to match your house?  Six weeks. 

Fence 01 - how to build the nicest fence ever.

Align posts

Fence 02 - add ledger board or a level in this case. 

Make a jig that ensures all fence boards are same length, then secure each in place while making sure the top row is level.

Fence 03 - Secure each board, using tile spacers between each row.

Last row, make sure to compensate for wavy or sloped base, by gradually thinning board over the full fence length.

Fence 04 - finished.  

This is "thermal lumber" or basically it's baked poplar, heated over several days to cook the sugars out.  

Let it weather for a few months if desired, then hit with a sealer.  Sealing immediately after install will yield a dark, nearly black look.

I milled it with a 20" planer, then cut one edge using a Festool track saw, threw it through the cabinet saw to cut the other edge, then cut the bevel on the cabinet saw.  

Tile spacers were used to space the boards, about 1/8"